Canzone pubblicità Scavolini agosto 2011

Pubblicità Scavolini

Scavolini, l’azienda marchigiana leader nel settore della creazione e distribuzione di mobili per cucine, sta iniziando a proporre, tramite uno spot che da alcuni giorni è in rotazione sulle principali reti televisive, la nuova linea di prodotti che, come consuetudine, si presenta innovativa, sorprendente, sicura e, soprattutto, ecologica.

L’innovazione, inoltre, starebbe anche nella pubblicità in sé. Per l’occasione, infatti, Scavolini avrebbe scelto come colonna sonora del proprio spot un innovativo brano, ovverosia una riedizione, creata appositamente perché faccia da jingle alla pubblicità, della canzone del 1935 di Irving Berlin Cheek to Cheek, interpretata, per la prima volta, da Fred Astaire nel film cult Top Hat.




Heaven, I’m in Heaven
and my heart beats so that I can hardly speak
and I seem to find the happiness I seek
when we’re out together dancing Cheek to Cheek
Heaven, I’m in Heaven
and the cares that hang around me thro’ the week
seem to vanish like a gambler’s lucky streak
when we’re out together dancing Cheek to Cheek
Oh, I love to climb a mountain
and to reach the highest peak
but it doesn’t thrill me half as much
as dancing Cheek to Cheek
Oh, I love to go out fishing
in a river or a creek
but I don’t enjoy it half as much
as dancing Cheek to Cheek
Dance with me. I want my arms about you
the charm about you will carry me through
To Heaven, I’m in heaven
and my heart beats so that I can hardly speak
and I seem to find the happiness I seek
when we’re out together dancing Cheek to Cheek
Oh, I love to climb a mountain
and to reach the highest peak
but it doesn’t thrill me half as much
as dancing Cheek to Cheek
Oh, I love to go out fishing
in a river or a creek
but I don’t enjoy it half as much
as dancing Cheek to Cheek
Dance with me. I want my arms about you
the charm about you will carry me through
To Heaven, I’m in Heaven
and my heart beats so that I can hardly speak
and I seem to find the happiness I seek
when we’re out together dancing
out together dancing
Cheek to Cheek
Cheek to Cheek

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