Canzone spot Visa marzo 2011


In questi giorni è in programmazione il nuovo spot della carta Visa in cui si vedono delle persone che in mezzo alla città, si cambiano d’abito correndo perchè li aspetta una maratona.
E così si vedono persone nude nei negozi che pagano con la carta di credito i nuovi abiti sportivi; la canzone che fa da colonna sonora è Upon this tidal wave of young blood tratta dall’album del 2005 Clap your hands and say yeah.
Di seguito pubblichiamo il testo

How that everybody’s here
Could we please have your attention?
There is nothing left to fear
No now that bigfoot is captured
But are the children really right
Alright alright
There is danger in the night
There are things we can’t control but
Will we give ourselves a fright
When we become less than human?
There are people who say why oh why oh why?
Now there are other ways to die
Oh why oh why?
But upon this tidal wave
Oh god oh god
But upon this tidal wave
Oh god oh god
Young Blood
Young Blood
Young Blood
Young Blood
Young Blood
Young Blood
Young Blood
Young Blood
We are men who stay alive
Who send your children away now
We are calling from a tower
Expressing what must be
Everyone’s opinion
“They are going out to bars and they are getting into cars
I have seen them with my own eyes.”
They are child stars . . .

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