Colonna sonora Moonrise Kingdom


Una commedia, un po’ drammatica, un po’ romantica, diretta da Wes Anderson ed interpretata da attori del calibro di Bruce Willis, Jared Gilman, Edward Norton, Bob Balaban, Bill Murray, Kara Hayward, Tilda Swinton e, tra gli altri, anche Harvey Keitel, Jason Schwartzman e Frances McDormand.

Stiamo parlando di “Moonrise Kingdom“, un film che in America è uscito il 25 maggio scorso, e che in Italia nelle migliori sale cinematografiche potremo vedere dal 5 dicembre del 2012.


Al film Moonrise Kingdom è associata una colonna sonora le cui musiche sono state in prevalenza realizzate da Alexandre Desplat, noto compositore francese. Questa la tracklist della colonnna sonora del film già acquistabile anche online ed in digitale: “The Young Person’s Guide To The Orchestra, Op. 34: Themes A-F”, Leonard Bernstein; Camp Ivanhoe Cadence Medley, Peter Jarvis and His Drum Corps; “”Playful Pizzicato” from Simple Symphony, Op. 4″, English Chamber Orchestra; Kaw-Liga, Hank Williams; “Noye’s Fludde, Op. 59: “Noye, Noye, Take Thou Thy Company””, Trevor Anthony; “The Heroic Weather-Conditions of the Universe, Part 1: A Veiled Mist”, Alexandre Desplat; “The Heroic Weather-Conditions of the Universe, Part 2: Smoke/Fire”, Alexandre Desplat; “The Heroic Weather-Conditions of the Universe, Part 3: The Salt Air”, Alexandre Desplat.


Ed ancora: “A Midsummer Night’s Dream, Act 2: “On The Ground, Sleep Sound“” Choir Of Downside School, Purley; Long Gone Lonesome Blues, Hank Williams; Le Carnaval des Animaux: “Volière”, Leonard Bernstein; Le Temps de l’Amour, Françoise Hardy; An die Musik, Alexandra Rubner; Ramblin’ Man, Hank Williams; “Songs From Friday Afternoons, Op. 7: “Old Abram Brown””, Choir Of Downside School, Purley; “The Heroic Weather-Conditions of the Universe Parts 4-6: Thunder, Lightning, and Rain”, Alexandre Desplat; “Noye’s Fludde, Op. 59: “The Spacious Firmament On High””, David Pinto; Noye’s Fludde, Op. 59: “Noye, Take Thy Wife Anone”, Trevor Anthony; “The Young Person’s Guide To The Orchestra, Op. 34 Fugue: Allegro Motto”, Leonard Bernstein; “Songs From Friday Afternoons, Op. 7: “Cuckoo!””, Choir Of Downside School, Purley; “The Heroic Weather-Conditions of the Universe, Part 7: After The Storm”, Alexandre Desplat.
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